Sheriff Esco Jarnagin is a lifetime resident of Hamblen County. In 1966, Sheriff Jarnagin volunteered for military service following his high school graduation. Upon completion of his service in Korea, he was honorably discharged. He continued to serve his country with the local National Guard for three years.
His law enforcement career began with the Morristown Police Department in 1971. Using the GI Bill he graduated from Walters State Community College in 1975 with a degree in criminal justice. In 1977, he graduated from ETSU with a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice and a minor in psychology.
He was named Officer of the Year three times by the MPD and received many commendations and letters of appreciation. He is a graduate of the FBI National Police Academy at Quantico, VA. He also has more than 3,000 hours of specialized law enforcement training.
He has investigated more than 6,000 criminal cases, including over a dozen murder cases. Of these murder cases 100% resulted in conviction. Since beginning his term in 2006, he led three murder investigations. All resulted in timely arrests. The alleged suspects currently await trial at the Hamlben County jail for two of the murders. The third case was tried and convicted.
Sheriff Jarnagin and his wife Kathy recently celebrated their 34th anniversary. They have two sons, Brad and Jason.Jason is married to me (Megan) and we have a son Hank. Brad is married to Dr. Whitney Locke Jarnagin. Sheriff Jarnagin and Kathy are active members of Rocky Point Baptist Church. He is the son of Novella (Jarnagin) Haager and Buck Haager.
In addition to these things, Sheriff Esco Jarnagin is a proven leader in our community. He has always done what he feels is the right thing. He continues to provide the citizens of Hamblen County with accountability. Sheriff Jarnagin is the most qualified candidate for the position. Remember, your vote counts! Vote to Re-elect Sheriff Jarnagin in the Republican Primary on May 4th!