Saturday, March 13, 2010
My name is Megan Jarnagin. My father-in-law is Sherriff Esco Jarnagin. I have started this blog for supporters to follow The Sheriff in his campaign for re-election. When I was younger and dating my now husband, Esco would always say to us before we left to go anywhere, "Make yourself proud. Do the right thing." Those words have resonated with me. He has lived his life by this motto. He has also served as our Hamblen County Sheriff with this motto. Sheriff Jarnagin may not have always made the popular decision, but he has always made what he feels is the right decision. No one is perfect, but Esco is one of the fairest and most honest people that I know. I realize this is coming from a family member with a biased opionion. :) However, I am not alone in this opinion. Thus, the reason I have created this blog is for the supporters of Sheriff Esco Jarnagin. Follow us as we hit the campaign trail to see that the most qualified candidate, Sheriff Jarnagin is re-elected! Your support is sincerely appreciated!!! VOTE IN THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ON MAY 4TH, 2010 TO RE-ELECT SHERIFF ESCO JARNAGIN! More to come...