Sheriff Jarnagin and family would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July!! Remember: FREEDOM ISN'T FREE! Thanks to our veterans and our troops serving overseas who continue fighting for the freedom that we all enjoy. I encourage everyone to reflect upon this today and enjoy the freedoms that we have. We have a right in this country that many others have died for: THE RIGHT TO VOTE! Exercise this right that so many have given their lives to protect. Early voting begins July 16th with the General Election taking place on August 5th.
It has come to my attention that there has been some exchange of email stating that the neighborhoods of Hamblen County are not safe because there are only two road officers on the road at any given time and that the Sheriff operates on a budget of more that $2 million dollars higher than the previous budget with less staff and a high turnover rate. These are the same accusations made during the debate.
First of all, the information and mud-slinging provided by Sheriff candidate Ernie Burzell is false. For those of you that have HCSD calendars you can look at the pictures. In the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie units, there are 4 officers. In the Delta unit, there are 5 officers. Yes, I'm sure if there is leave taken, someone is sick, this can leave 2 officers on the road. HCSD collaborates in these instances with the City of Morristown. Rest assured that your neighborhoods are a safer place because 29 working meth labs have been busted to date. As many of you have read in the Citizen Tribune, Sheriff Jarnagin tried for some time to obtain a roster from the Civil Service Board so that he could promote and hire new officers that were desparately needed to operate the HCSD. When no roster was provided, Sheriff Jarnagin made those hires because HE IS CONCERNED WITH KEEPING OUR COUNTY SAFE! The budget is higher, because costs are higher. Mr. Burzell fails to mention that when Esco Jarnagin was elected that he petitioned the County Commission for 4 new officers. After this was approved, 2 of the officers were assigned the backlog of 8k warrants left from the previous admistration. Warrants are now served in a timely fashion. When the women's annex opened, 8 new officers were hired. The salaries of deputies are not king's ransom. In order to be in law enforcement, it must be a love of the person. Sheriff Jarnagin demands accountability, integrity, and professionalism from his deputies. If someone cannot uphold these qualities, can they adequately uphold and enforce the law? Daily operations, employee salaries, new equipment, and many more things account for the increased budget. Is it so bad that our law enforcement has adequate funding????
I'll leave you with this quote, "It Matters Who Governs." Can someone protect your civil rights if they are not sure what the term "civil rights" means??? That being said, we are trying to run a positive campaign. My blog is not to discount anyone, but to inform the citizens of Hamblen County of the accomplishments and qualifications of Sheriff Esco Jarnagin. Vote qualified. Vote proven leadership. VOTE TO RE-ELECT YOUR SHERIFF ESCO JARNAGIN.